Morgan is the most people-oriented Akita I have ever known. He is also excellent with other dogs and his cat. He is love wrapped in an Akita suit. Morgan and I fell in love at first sight, and through a series of sad, then ultimately joyous happenings, we became a team.

Our thanks will forever be extended to Lynn Morgan, his breeder and coowner for giving Morgan to us at a time when we all needed each other most. He healed our broken hearts after losing
our beloved Boboo.

Morgan finished his championship very quickly and easily -- all owner handled. Since he has done some really great winning including an Award of Merit at the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Independent Specialty in May of 2003.
All of his winning is done in limited showing. He is always owner-handled.

He is getting to be known for his
sense of humor, and has been called
"the Jim Carey of Akitas". This is not always helpful in the show ring, but more than a few judges have at least had a good laugh at his antics and fully enjoy his enormously sweet personality.
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