Michele Petersen of Wild Ridge Akitas has a young adult, companion male available Contact info for Michele is on her site:
All of our litters are home raised with lots of love
and care, and since Monica does not work outside the home, the puppies and mamas are given full attention. Puppies are very well socialized with many visitors and with the other adult Akitas. We vaccinate at our veterinarian, not at home, so the puppies not only get proper veterinary exams regularly, they also get used to vet visits and exams. Added benefits are socialization with lots of attention on those visits, plus rides in the van.
We love each puppy bred here, and we care deeply about their preparation to go to the outside world as well-equipped as they can be. We perform Puppy Aptitude Testing at 7 weeks, that combined with careful observation from birth forward best assures families have the best puppy to suit them.
All of the dogs used for breeding are certified clear of hip and elbow dysplasia, and have their patellae also certified via OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals). Eyes are certified free of heritable eye diseases through OFA.
Also please consider a rescue Akita. There are many loving, fine Akitas waiting for their forever home, and one may be right for you. For information click either
Please contact Monica with any questions!